Taking your life-temperature Ali style ...
April 30, 2007
I love reading Ali Edwards blog. I think it's because she always manages to put into words concepts about life that I think are important. Take her latest post about 'taking your life temperature' for example. That's right where I have been in the last 1-2 months. Reflecting on what's working, what's not working and then changing what I can. Even though the last month has been crazy with birthday month, I have still found myself simplifying my life, working less, staying home more, doing things which are more meaningful, doing things which are good for me. Over the coming weeks I want to do some more gardening, play with the kids more and scrapbook just for me. Remember why we started to scrapbook in the first place? To tell our life story, to pass on memories to our children, to get things down on paper. Somewhere along the way we sort of lose our way and it becomes a competition about who can place the most product on a page or turn their page into the biggest work of art. All the while we spend so much money on scrapbooking supplies and time developing pages using predefined or the most heavily marketed products that we have less money and time to experience the very life we are supposed to be scrapbooking about. Quite a paradox really.
I'm going to try and be true to me over the coming months. I want to simplify things and spend my time with family and use my creative talents to encourage people to scrapbook for the right reasons, and to enjoy the journey more. I'm going to nurture me and nurture my friends and family. Just like Ali recommends I am going to take my life-temperature more regularly. How about you? The start of a new month seems a perfect time to do this. I'm going to spend time tomorrow scrapping a layout just for me, just about this. Time for a new header too I think. I'm a little excited.
Speaking of new beginnings, Sam moved into his 'big boy bed' today as he had mastered the climbing out of his cot act over the last week. Much excitement was had this morning choosing new big boy bed linen before we finally settled on the Wiggles big red car and matching red sheets. The excitement obviously didn't last as I have just gone to check on him and he was on his cot mattress on the floor. He'll get there soon enough. I am in no hurry at all for him to grow up :)
Night lovelies xx